Archive for the ‘Achievements’ category

FREE Home Air Sealing/Draft Proofing!

December 1, 2010

Interested in having your home draft proofed for FREE?  The City of Vancouver aims to make Vancouver the greenest city in the world by 2020 & have partnered with EMBERS to run a pilot program to increase energy efficiency in homes.   This wonderful service will take about 4-8 hours to complete depending on the condition of your home & should result in a less drafty house & lower hydro bills for you.  You must own your home & be located in the Vancouver area to participate. If interested, please call Emma on 604 692 0781 or drop us a line at


Thank You Letter from a Client

August 23, 2010

Below is a thank you letter received by Reza Roodi, Director of Recruitment at EMBERS.

“Dear Mr. Roodi,

Thank you for sending me my wages for the house I worked at ***.  The cheque was deposited into my account and a receipt was issued.

I would like to apologise for not being able to continue working with your company.  During my interview with you I presented myself as someone you could count on and a person with all his sh*t together.  I know I don’t need to tell you this but I feel that you deserve an explanation.  You treated me with respect and dignity when we spoke in your office- not too many people would do that knowing I came from a federal prison.

Your company was the first place I worked for in the free world in a great many years.  When you phoned me the evening before to give me the address and contact information I was so excited.  I know this may sound kind of silly but it felt like the night before Christmas when I was a kid.  I could hardly sleep.

In was so proud to be able to represent your company and have a purpose.  I worked hard and did a good job.  Walking away with my time sheet at the end of the was the best.  It wasn’t the money that made me feel that way either.  It was because I accomplished something positive in my life and that I had completed an honest day’s work.

Thank you for providing the opportunity for this to happen.  If it wasn’t for your company I would not have experienced there type’s of feelings.  I hope you keep helping people like you did with me.  Please do not let my short involvement with your company reflect negatively on all parolees who may want employment with your agency.

Yours truly,

(Name withheld)”


Thank you to our Golf Tournament Volunteers!

August 12, 2010


Thank You!

August 9, 2010

EMBERS Against All Odds Golf Tournament was a huge success!

Thank you for helping us raise over $20,000!


Janette Pink & her Jessie Awards!

July 12, 2010

‘After Homelessness’ takes home TWO Jessie Awards!

June 23, 2010

Congratulations to Janette & the cast and crew of ‘After Homelessness’ for winning two Jessies at the awards ceremony at the Commodore Ballroom on Tuesday. They took home the prizes for ‘Outstanding Contribution to Community’ and the biggest award of the night ‘Outstanding Production Small Theatre’!

Rock & Roll Fund-Raiser was a HUGE success!

June 21, 2010

Our heartfelt thanks to all those who came out to show support and especially to those who contributed their time and effort to make it all possible: Melinda Neil, Steve Chase, the staff at Pat’s Pub, Glorywhore, Scorched Earth Policy, Blacked Out, Gillian Tringham (aka Miss Cupcake!), Chris Walter, Kimi Howard, Jody Langford, Taya Fraser, Gord Smithers, Josie Burkhart-Johnson, Christian Betnacor-Leon, Andread Juen, the staff at Bikram Yoga Commercial Drive, Knotty Boy Lock Shop & Salon & raffle lovelies Judy Lizn…a,Tracy Ziebarth, Shayna Baxter & Gitta Ziercke.
Stay tuned for another Rock & Roll Fundraiser in November 🙂

After Homelessness.

June 17, 2010

Embers very own Janette Pink recent starred in ‘After Homelessness’ at the Headlines Theatre last Winter.  Taken from Streams of

“Homelessness. We see it everyday. It breeds rejection and desperation. We want to help, but we block it out in order to live with it, to cope, to keep on going down the street.

We know solutions exist – but how do we tap into them? How do we create safe and affordable housing in Metro Vancouver?

Headlines is offering a creative response: using theatre as a conduit to explore solutions together.

Enter after homelessness… a Forum Theatre play; a fun, dynamic, audience-interactive evening created and performed by people who have been homeless.”

The play has recently been nominated for several Jessie Awards – congratulations to all involved!


King Richard Brodeur

June 4, 2010

The legendary retired Cannuck, King Richard Brodeur, has confirmed he will participate in the second annual EMBERS Against All Odds Golf Tournament on the 5th of August!

For more information or to sign up to play, donate or sponsor, click here!

Many thanks to our confirmed sponsors/donors: Molson Canadian, Grady Wine, Andrew Peller Estates, The Renaissance Group, Team Radio 1040,  Fireball, Nuheat, The Old Spaghetti Factory, Newlands Golf Course & Dean Buscher Photography.


EMBERS’ Against All Odds Golf Tournament is set for Thursday August 5 2010!

May 25, 2010

Come for the silent auction, prizes, dinner and golfing with Vancouver Cannucks players at Newlands Golf & Country Club!

Register here!